November 11, 1999 I attended my very first performance of Dee Dee Ramone. I was not fortunate to see Dee Dee play with the Ramones. When I found out that Dee Dee was going to play in San Diego, it was unbelievable. It was at a very small venue that fits about 200 people. My brother and I of course went straight to the front row near Dee Dee's microphone and also near Barbara's microphone. He came on stage and played a variety of Ramones, Dee Dee and other songs. It was amazing to see one my longtime heroes on stage so close. I took many close up photos and they turned out great. Some of the photos have been published in Jari-Pekka's 2nd book "Rock In Peace: Dee Dee And Joey Ramone". Dee Dee played loud and fast for about 45 minutes.
After the show I grabbed Dee Dee's setlist that he used that night. After the show we waited inside the venue near the backstage door for a long time. At one point the door opened and security took Dee Dee through another door and they headed to their van. My brother and I ran outside to the van and just looked at Dee Dee while he was inside the van. We did not think that he was going to come out. After waiting for a while. He looked over at us and pointed at my camera, gesturing if we wanted a photo with him. We of course said yes and he came out. There were already many people there with us. We were able to take one photo with him; too bad I did not come out good. He did sign my Too Tough To Die CD insert and the setlist that I grabbed from the show. He was really really cool. He spoke to us fans for a while. I asked him about if he knew any Spanish since he lived in Argentina. He said that the only word he knew was "Azucar" which means sugar in Spanish. He continued to speak to us and then had to leave. It was a great night and I will never forget the first time I met Dee Dee Ramone.